Sunday, February 20, 2011

Reaksi kes isteri orang asli selamatkan suami dari dibaham harimau

Saturday February 19, 2011

Selfless love of a wife saves man from tiger

I WOULD like to thank The Star for reporting on an orang asli man who escaped from a tiger.

I hope we will all see the real story, the reality, behind “the man who escaped the tiger”. And that is “the woman who saved her husband from a tiger”.

On a beautiful day, Valentine’s Day, we have this report of a woman, the wife, who bravely rushed at the tiger with only a ladle in her hand to save her husband. What an example of love!

I am not sure how many of us would have the courage, born from the love of another, to do such an act.

Love comes in many forms, from “eros” (physical/sexual) to “phileo” (friendship) and the highest form “agape” (selfless love). Often we as a society are focused on eros or phileo.

This beautiful woman illustrates for us agape or selfless love. Without thought for her own safety or her life, she was prepared to lose all for the one she loved.

Often we overlook this great gift of love that many women give to their spouse or children. She is a true gem among persons and deserves our respect and admiration. More importantly we need to emulate her courage and agape love. May she inspire us to face the many “tigers” of adversities that our nation is facing – corruption, racism, etc.

May we as simple ordinary persons, like her, use our limited power to overcome them. Please note that I think the tiger was just being a tiger and should not be shot.

So let’s remember this woman (hope we can find out her name) as the “wife whose selfless love for her husband enables her to face tiger”. And may the magnitude of this selfless act give us courage.



1 comment:

  1. Nampaknya tiada istilah "Fear" bagi isteri orang asli tersebut demi menyelamatkan nyawa suaminya.
